ISO 14001 Checklist: Download

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ISO 14001 Checklist: Download

ISO 14001 Checklist

Environmental responsibility is more important than ever, with 83.7% of Australians concerned about environmental issues. A business’s environmental impact is critical to its public image, and becoming ISO 14001 certified is an important step in reducing your environmental impact (and increasing efficiency) and shoring up your public image as an environmentally conscious entity.

So, how can an ISO 14001 gap analysis help?

An ISO 14001 gap analysis aims to help organisations identify areas for improvement in their environmental management system and close these gaps to achieve greater compliance with the standard. Using our free ISO 14001 audit checklist, you can perform an internal audit to assess your environmental management system’s compliance.

What is an ISO 14001 gap analysis?

An ISO 14001 gap analysis is a process used to identify any gaps between an organisation’s current environmental management system and the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard. This type of analysis helps organisations identify areas where they can improve their environmental management practices while also highlighting areas where they are already meeting or exceeding these requirements.

By understanding their gaps and strengths, organisations are in a better position to develop effective environmental management plans and strategies that can help them achieve their goals and objectives.

Several different methods can be used to perform an ISO 14001 gap analysis, including self-assessments, internal audits, benchmarking exercises, checklists and professional auditing by an ISO 14001 consultant.

When to perform an ISO 14001 gap analysis

An ISO 14001 gap analysis should be performed prior to applying for ISO 14001 certification to ensure you’re ready to be certified.

It’s also recommended that you perform a gap analysis on an ongoing basis, either as part of your regular EMS review process or periodically throughout the year. This will give you an up-to-date understanding of any gaps that may exist between your current EMS and the requirements of ISO 14001, allowing you to make any necessary adjustments or improvements as needed.

ISO management software can help you keep track of all your compliance activities and ensure you maintain compliance in between audits.

Another important factor to consider when planning your gap analysis is the timing of any audits or certification processes. In particular, you will want to ensure that your gap analysis is completed well in advance of these assessments since the results can be used to identify and address areas of non-conformity before they are formally evaluated.

Overall, the key to performing a successful ISO 14001 gap analysis is to approach the process with a focus on the continual improvement of your environmental management system.

DIY ISO 14001 checklist

Purchase your DIY gap analysis checklist below and perform your own ISO 14001 gap analysis. You will also be signing up to receive our email newsletter, which includes useful and relevant business advice.

Note: Every business has unique environmental management system requirements. This checklist is a guide only, we recommend seeking assistance from a professional ISO 14001 consultant if you’re unsure of any of the checklist’s requirements.

How to conduct a DIY ISO 14001 gap analysis

To conduct an ISO 14001 gap analysis, take the following steps:

1. Determine your ISO 14001 gap analysis objectives. What benefits would you like to see for your business? What environmental management goals are you working towards?
2. Define the scope of your environmental management system. Which business departments and/or which locations will be covered by your environmental management system?
3. Identify areas for improvement. Compare your current environmental management to the ISO 14001 standard. Identify areas of noncompliance and make actionable steps to remedy them.


Next steps

Prepare compliance documentation – To prepare for compliance, gather all required documentation such as your scope statement, safety objectives, policies and procedures and WHS instructions.
Implement or update your environmental management system – If you’re implementing a new management system or updating your current system all staff members must be informed of the new procedures associated with it and be thoroughly trained in its use.
Perform an internal audit and verify your compliance – Prior to applying for ISO 14001 certification you need to conduct a thorough audit and compliance assessment – this means you’ll have the best possible chance of obtaining certification. A professional ISO 14001 consultant can do this for you.
Achieve ISO 14001 certification – Once you’re satisfied that your environmental management system is ISO 14001 compliant, you can apply for certification with an authorised certifying body. The JAS-ANZ website provides a list of approved ISO certifiers in Australia and New Zealand.

Need help achieving ISO 14001 compliance? Let us handle everything for you

At BusinessBasics we’ve helped a wide range of Australian businesses reach ISO 14001 compliance. Our knowledgeable team has expertise in a diverse range of sectors, from mining and construction to retail and allied health. Our ISO 14001 consultants can ensure your business is absolutely ready to achieve ISO 14001 compliance.